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how to avoid autorun.inf file getting generated in a folder

서버에 어떤 디렉토리가 있는데, 여기에 계속 autorun.inf파일이 생성되고 있다. 문제는 이 디렉토리를 바탕으로 돌아가는 어플리케이션이 무슨 이유로 디렉토리내에 '파일'만 존재할 것을 요구로 한다. 

In Windows Server, I have a scheduled task(like cronjob in Linux). It runs once a day and copy files within a folder to other server. But, somehow it keeps generating autorun.inf file on the folder and it is causing the application not behaving correctly.

It sounds like autorun.inf is likely to connect to virus symptom. There are lots of threads on this issue. But, what I found was to prevent it from being created by manually adding a same name folder on the folder.

/xx/autorun.inf/ will prevent authorun.inf file gets generated.

How awesome workaround it is !